Dr. M. Ahkan Subroto, Expert Researcher of LIPI revealed that the active compounds contained in the ants nest was Flavonoids, Tannins, and Poliefenol that act as antioxidants in the body.Also in ant nests are also found other useful content, such as Tocopherol, Magnesium, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Sodium, and Zinc. Here is a brief description of some of the beneficial active substance contained in the ants nest:Flavonoids in the human body to function as antioxidants so it is good for cancer prevention. Among other benefits of flavonoids is to protect the cell structure, improving the effectiveness of vitamin C, antinflamasi, prevent bone loss, and as antibiotics.In many cases, the flavonoid can contribute directly as with the antibiotics disrupt the function of microorganisms such as bacteria or viruses. Flavonoids function as an anti-virus has been widely publicized, including for HIV / AIDS and herpes virus.In addition, flavonoids are also reported to play a role in the prevention and treatment of several other diseases are like asthma, cataracts, diabetes, arthritis / rheumatism, migraine, hemorrhoids, and perionditis (inflammation, connective tissue supporting the tooth root).Recent studies have revealed other functions of flavonoids, not only for prevention but also for the treatment of cancer. Many mechanisms of flavonoid that has been revealed, such as inactivation of carcinogens, antiprofilisasi, inhibition of cell cycle, induction apaoptosis, differentiation, inhibition of angiogenesis, as well as multi-drug resistance reversal or a combination of these mechanisms.Ability of ants nest empirically for pengobtan various types of cancer or tumors, tuberculosis, and gout / rheumatism allegedly related to the flavonoid ants nest.
* Tannins are astrigen that bind and precipitate the excess protein in the body. Tannins are used in medicine to treat diarrhea, hemostatic (stops bleeding), and hemorrhoids. Hence the ability of ants nest empirically for treatment, such as treatment for piles (hemorrhoids) and nosebleed allegedly related to these substances.* The polyphenols are phenolic acids and flavonoids. Polyphenols are found in fruits, vegetables and grains. The average human being can consume polyphenols in a day to 23 mg. Properties of polyphenols are anti-microbial and lower blood sugar levels. Phenolic acids are a class of antioxidants or compounds that eliminate free radicals. This unstable molecule that is the production of normal metabolism that clog arteries and lead to changes in DNA that can cause cancer and other diseases.* Tocopherol (vitamin E) of about 313 ppm. Ananlisis antioxidants from plant crude estrak ants nest estrak have shown that antioxidants are activities, which is obtained IC 50 value of 48.6 ppm. While alpha-tocopherol is a powerful antioxidant with IC 50 values obtained figures of 5.1 ppm. IC50 is the concentration of antioxidants that can reduce or inhibit 50% of free radicals. The smaller the value of IC50 of the more powerful an antioxidant antioxidants. Alpha-tocopherol at a concentration of 12 ppm have been able to reduce free radicals as much as 96% and the percentage of inhibition remained constant for concentrations higher than 12 ppm. The results of this study to mean that the alpha-tocopherol in low concentrations also has a free radical reducer activity to near 100%.* Magnesium has a role in the function of bone, liver, muscle, transfer of intracellular water, alkaline balance, and neuromuseluler activity. The functions of these minerals may explain some of the other properties of ants nest, for example, efficacy in helping to solve a wide range of diseases / disorders of the heart, blood circulation, treat migraine, impaired kidney function and prostate, restoring freshness and stamina, and restore sexual desire .* Calcium function in cardiac work, implus nerves, and blood clots.* Iron function in the formation of hemoglobin, transporoksigen, aktivor enzyme.* Phosphorus function in calcium absorption and energy production.* Sodium've got a role in electrolyte balance, body fluid volume, and implus nerves, and acid-base balance.* Zinc has the function of sexual function in protein synthesis, insulin storage, carbohydrate metabolism, and wound healing.
Also in the research of Dr.. M. Subroto Ahkan see any inhibition of enzyme activity of xanthine oxidase by estrak ants nest, this suggests that the ants nest estrak equivalent to the activity of allopurinol, a drug of commercial chemicals that are used for the treatment of gout.When the effects of allopurinol can increase levels of creatine to damage the kidneys, then the ants nest in addition to lowering uric acid also improve renal function."With this empirical evidence ants nest is a new source of drugs. Many new compounds are not known (type) with high activity." - Dr. Muhammad Ahkam Subrat, researchers ants nest.And still would not rule out the discovery of other active compounds that have not been revealed from the ant nest, which explains what's behind all the remarkable properties of ants nest that helps so many people healed from various diseases.