Curable Disease:Diarrhea, dysentery, leucorrhoea, nasopharynx cancer, fever, insomnia; hypertension, vomiting blood, nosebleeds, coughing up blood, heart; Give, give, headache, diarrhea and blood urine, anemia, premature;
PART USED:The entire plant. Rhizome, leaves and stems, flowers and pollen, seeds and flowers such as buffer honeycomb / sponge (reseptacle), as well as the seeds sprout. The use of fresh or dried.
USAGE:To drink:Rhizome: 240 g. Boiled or in juice.Leaves: 5-12 g, boiled.Stalk: 3-5 g, braises.Interest. 3-5 g, braises.Stamens: 3-10 g, boiled.Receptacle: 10-15 g, boiled.Seeds: 5-12 g, boiled.Lotus seed sprouts: 1.5 to 3 g, boiled.
HOW TO USE:A. Coughing up blood, vomiting blood:Lotus roots are washed and dijuice, until collected 1 glasssize of 200 cc. Drink, do it for 3-5 days in a row.
2. Vomiting, diarrhea:50 g and 15 g of lotus rhizome ginger or grated dijuice washed,take the water. Drink, 3 times a day.
3. Dysentery:50 g and 10 g of lotus rhizome of ginger, grated or dijuice. Waterfeelings 10O cc of water was added and heated toboil. Once cool add 1 tablespoon of honey, stirringand drunk.
4. High blood pressure:a. 10 g and 15 g of seeds of lotus bud lotus seeds. (Lien sim), boiledwith 350 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc. Drinking every daysuch as tea.
b. Lotus seed bud (lien sim) as much as 10-15 g boiled with waterenough to boil, drink as tea. Can alsobudding lotus seeds finely ground, brewed with hot water, drink.
5. Heat in, gondokan, is also beneficial for heart patientsand liver:100 g and 50 g of lotus rhizome fresh reed rhizome, washedthen cut sufficiently. Boiled with 500 cc wateruntil remaining 250 cc. After chilling filtered, drinks such as tea.
6. Bleeding from the nose (nosebleeds):Segment of the lotus root is washed and dijuice. The water dripped intonose.