month of Ramadan fasting, such as Muslims who want accomplished in each
month of Ramadan was not only contain the spiritual benefits. According
to the logical theory of conceptual reference, here are the results of
experiments or research in the West, fasting was a potential to block a
variety of diseases or accelerate the process (catalyst) recovery.Without
being patient, tawakal, and gratitude, then our souls - even identity
believer or believing - otherwise ill or suffering from mental illness. However, thanks to the fast with full faith and sincerity capable of accelerating the healing of various diseases. That is why God s.w.t. has confirmed that indeed there is no cure all diseases, but people often fixated on external treatment only.Excesses of modernizationThe impact of modernization with all eksesnya increasingly felt in all areas, particularly to individual and social health. As we know, the health problems directly influence the quality of human resources. Therefore,
the excesses that usually arises as a side effect of modern life we
need to tap as small as possible in ways that more effectively.Companies
in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia are now encouraged to move
forward with innovation and investment in research and development in an
effort to make these countries a powerful strength in technology such
as Europe, U.S., and Japan. Rapid advances in science and technology for this is to be grateful. However,
do not forget, it was often reminded by sociologists that modernization
- anywhere and anytime - raises the Agony of modernization.Suffered as a result of this modernization experienced by almost everyone in varying levels. The
most unfortunate are those who have not been able to adapt to rapid
change, and does not practice the teachings of his religion. The
excesses of modernization was already pointed out the soul of medical
experts as the source of the cause of psychosomatic disease, because of
modern life often lead to uncontrollable stress.The challenges we face in this modern life, not just the physical and mental illness, but at the same social ills. How not? Individualistic lifestyle and social inequality as the excesses of modernization are now increasingly sharp. No doubt that the social ills stem from the health condition of each person.Therefore, according to WHO's health status should include physical, mental, and social. While
the practice of worship - particularly fast - not only will block a
variety of diseases triggered by the stress out of control, but also can
improve a person's social health. Because,
if worship is practiced by the full faith and wholeheartedly, will
automatically arouse a sense of altruism or selfless love towards fellow
human beings.Controlling stressLife
in the current modernization - in cities or large cities in particular -
are often overwhelmed with uncontrollable stress, especially with
frequent traffic jams and crime that occurred as of late. However, it jahatkah stress?Basically stress can have negative or positive, depending on the person. As we know, the issue depends on whether we can control it or not. People who are unable to control stress is to feel depressed and quiet. Psychological
condition which is too bad that, according to medical research, has
lead to many serious diseases, namely cardiovascular disease (heart and
blood vessels), hypertension, kidney, tumor / cancer, diabetes, ulcers,
depression, and insomnia. Not surprisingly, the WHO said the stress out of control is the biggest killer in the world. Statistics
show that about "modern lifestyle diseases" that 30 years ago was known
in developing countries are now even be a cause of death of 40-50%.In
his book The Turning Point: Science Society and Culture Raising the
Capra said the stress out of control is one of the excesses caused by
the separation of the modernization of science and technology of the
spiritual influence of the religious. In
fact, world-class genius Albert Einstein once said, "Science without
religion is blind and religion without science would be paralyzed."Actually,
I wish to stress that our control such as fasting on a regular basis,
can generate a minimum of mental energy to get people excited,
confident, and optimistic, so be unflinching and always motivated to
achieve success or to please God. In
other words, precisely controlled stress is a driving force, behind the
constructive power of creativity, ie to bring achievements in any
change eating and drinking during fasting did not escape from the
stress, because people have to starve and thirst all day. Fortunately, it was, according to research, only to have the stress of 15. This
was far below the 29 stress values due to changes in job
responsibilities, and stress the value of 53 due to illness or accident.
more exciting again, after the second week of fasting, stress is
generally more restrained, because of physical and mental development
can adapt steady. So, by fasting we were able to control stress.As a psycho-physio therapyDue
to fast regularly are able to control stress, it would not be surprised
if the therapy is growing fast and demand is quite popular in Europe
and the United States, for a variety of serious illnesses caused by the
influence of prolonged stress can be blocked or accelerated the healing
process in addition to medical efforts.At the clinic near Pyrmont, Germany, dr. Otto Buchinger and his friends have a lot of therapy to cure patients with fasting. Healing includes physical and mental illness, so it can be regarded as a psycho-physio therapy. After
the patient was treated medically for about 2-4 weeks of fasting and
discipline, they were faster healthier and recover both physically and
mentally. Also more passionate life. Various
diseases, including cardiovascular disease, kidney cancer,
hypertension, depression, diabetes, ulcers and insomania, also can be
cured.Dr. Yuli
Nekolar from the Moscow Institute of Psychiatry also report the results
of his research that the medical relief efforts, accompanied by fasting
therapy results are better and faster. It also has proved its reliability by the patients who underwent fasting therapy in a number of clinics Health Spa in America. Although
fasting in the clinic was not exactly the same as the practice of
fasting Ramadan, but the basic physiology and biochemistry that occurs
in the body in principle the same.Modern humans are still overwhelmed by the act of various kinds of diseases. Whether
it's physical or mental illness, in addition to the social disease that
is in terms of prevention, healing, and especially in an effort to cope
with disease progression. For
evidence that drugs engineered the human brain, from the traditional to
the medically warranted, can be efficacious but may also not work, but
often must be redeemed at a cost of relatively expensive. Not to mention we were confronted to tackle AIDS malignancy that has no cure. @(Soekirno,
Chairman of the Forum for Islamic and Social Applications, Social and
librarian at the Center for Scientific Documentation and Information
LIPI, Jakarta)
Sabtu, 07 April 2012
Fasting is good for health