Sabtu, 07 April 2012

Sea horses Powerful Male Sexual Arousal Strengthen Roll On

Chinese people believe in the efficacy of seahorses as medicine to cure various diseases, external diseases and illnesses can be in, even cure various ailments, to which it is difficult to cure.
-style treatment of animals named Hippocampus sp is based on the balance between yin and yang. It strengthened from a source book of the treatment period of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) first.
are believed efficacious for strengthening. Some diseases that supposedly can be cured by sea horses, among other skin diseases, inflammation, digestive disorders, respiratory problems, heart problems and circulatory system, neurological diseases and disorders of brain function, liver and kidney disorders, immune system decline, and so forth.
the sea horse is also consumed as a tonic to restore health, stamina, and vitality of the body. To one of the most famous sea horses and demand is a function of an aphrodisiac. The function is known to increase desire and sexual ability in men and women.
until now there has been much research done, which can provide scientific evidence regarding the efficacy of sea horses. This is just a myth.
Of the
few published studies, such as research conducted Laksmindra Fitriyana of Animal Physiology Laboratory, Faculty of Biology, extract of sea horses are known in certain doses and time range can improve spermatogenesis and improve the quality of male mice spermatozoa.
seen a change in behavior of mice became more aggressive after the administration of this extract. These observations provide information that affects the reproductive systems of sea horses are hormonal. - Enjoy High eCPM Rates!