Sabtu, 07 April 2012

Aloe Vera Natural Hair as fertilizer

Indonesia Name: Boyo physical defect; Letah crocodile; Jadam Aloe vera, Crocodiles Tongues (UK); Jadam (Malaysia), Salvila (Spain), Lu Hui (China);
Description of plants: wild plants in a hot air or in pots and planted the yard naturally as an ornamental plant. The leaves are shaped somewhat sharp spurs, thick, brittle, jagged edge / small spiny, mottled surface, 15-36 cm long, 2-6 cm wide, long-stemmed flowers 60-90 cm, reddish-yellow flowers (orange), Many parts of North Africa, West Indies. a. Aloe Vera Plant stem short-trunked. The stem is not visible as it is covered by dense leaves and partially buried in the ground. Through this bar will appear next shoots that make the puppies. Aloe Vera is a long-stemmed also emerged from the trunk through cracks or axillary leaves. Aloe Vera can also stem disetek for plant propagation. Replanting is done by cutting out the leaves and stems, then from the remaining stump of the stem will come new shoots or tillers. b. Aloe Vera plant leaf-shaped leaves with strands of elongated ribbon. Thick fleshy leaves, not reinforced, grayish-green, succulent bersifaat (contains water) and many contain latex or mucus (gel) as a medicinal raw material. Aloe vera plants resistant to drought because of the reserves stored in the leaves lots of water that can be utilized at times of water shortage. Leaf shape resembles a sword with a pointed tip, the leaf surface wax coated, with weak spines dipinggirnya. The length of the leaves can reach 50-75 cm, weighing 0.5 kg - 1 kg, the leaves curled tightly around the stem bersaf-saf. c. Aloe Vera Flowers Flowers yellow or reddish in the form of a gathering pipeline, out of the armpit leaves. Flowers small, arranged in the form of a series of bunches, and can reach 1 meter in length. Flowers usually appear when grown in the mountains. d. Aloe Vera plant root root root fibers in the form of a short and located at ground level. Root length ranged from 50-100 cm. For plant growth requires a fertile soil and loose on top.
Habitat: Grows wild in a hot air.
Natural plant parts used: leaves Meat
Composition:CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: Taste bitter cold. Anti-inflammatory, laxative (laxative), parasitiside. This herb into the meridian of the heart, liver and pancreas. CHEMISTRY CONTENT: Aloin, barbaloin, isobarbaloin, aloe-emodin, aloenin, aloesin, Betabarboloin; Damar.
Benefits: Anti-inflammatory; Laxative; Stomakik; expectorant.
Simplesia name: Aloe succus inspissatusThe traditional recipe:PART USED: Leaves, flowers, roots, use of fresh,
PURPOSE:A. Headache, dizziness.2. Constipation (Constipation).3. Seizures in children, malnutrition (Malnutrition).4. Whooping cough (pertussis), vomiting blood.5. Diabetes mellitus (DM), hemorrhoids.6. Laxative. menstruation.7. Hair fertilizer.
USAGE:Leaf .. 10-15 grams, if the form of pills: 1.5 to 3 grams.Or in the form of powder (flour) for topical application.
EXTERNAL USE:Leaves used for sores, eczema, boils, burns, scalded, headache (as pilis), Dental caries (tooth decay), hair fertilizer.a. Hair fertilizer:Taste of fresh aloe vera leaves split, taken part inthat seems like agar-agar, rubbed into the scalp afterevening bath, then wrapped with a cloth, the next dayhair washed. Used every day for 3 months to achievesatisfactory results.
b. Extensive burns and scalded (light):Washed leaves, grab the inside, stick to thebody is exposed to heat / hot water.
c. Ulcers:Crushed leaves plus a little salt, put on the boil. - Enjoy High eCPM Rates!