According to dr. Amarullah Siregar, DIHom., DNMed., M.Sc, PhD., Herbal medicine has the ability to improve the overall system. This is due to the ability to work within the scope of herbal medicine and molecular cell. While chemical drugs only fix some of the functions of body systems.
Meanwhile, Dr. Susiani Purbaningsih DEA, biologists from the University of Indonesia, said that unlike chemical drugs, side effects caused by herbal treatment, if any, is very small.
Tips for getting the results you expected, herbal medicines should be prepared and used in an appropriate manner. Here are some tips from Dr. Susiani in the use of herbal medicines:
Recognize medicinal plants medicinal plants should be well recognized because there are plants that have similar characteristics, but different properties. For example, three types of white turmeric 3 each provide different benefits.
Maintaining the raw materials of herbal medicine herbal medicine raw materials must be free of pollution and better maintained organically, do not use chemicals that can accumulate in raw materials.
Harvest at the right moment Medicinal plants harvested at the right time, when the efficacious compounds have been formed and has not degraded by natural vegetation.
Preparing herbal medicine herbal medicine prepared by the washing process and drying process must be guaranteed either (in the low temperature).
Recognizing the need for consumption of herbal medicines in the body the right amount (according to the needs of the body) so that the inevitable side effects.
Sabtu, 07 April 2012
Primacy of herbal medicines